Carlo Cerrano

Carlo Cerrano

Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (UNIVPM - DiSVA)

My main interest is marine macrozoobenthos, in particular, Porifera and Cnidaria, studied mainly in the field through scientific diving. Research ranges from taxonomy to the biology and ecology of these taxa, also in support of projects for the conservation and management of marine biodiversity. The scientific activity is carried out in the context of various national and international projects, as well as in the Mediterranean area also in the polar and tropical area. The projects are focused on the biomineralogy (interactions at cellular and organismic level between biological and mineral systems), biomineralization (calcification and silicification) and bioerosion, the influence of climate change on life cycles and the exploration of the mesophotic zone. I’ve leaded the European projects MMMPA and GREEN BUBBLES and I am currently involved in the European MERCES projects on environmental recovery of degraded marine environments, in the Interreg-Med MPA-Engage and the BlueBio Cofund MedSpon.